Monday, August 11, 2014

Where did time go?

So I know I said I would post at least once a day...but that was before I went through two tablets (had to return both due to OS issues) then finally found what I did with the laptop when we unpacked. So, here we are!

We officially have our SC drivers license's, went to get our new tag & realized we don't have our car title! So this means we have to mail off for it, wait two weeks, then hopefully get it the following week. Fun fun. But we are officially unpacked, only took 6 weeks!

Samuel is rolling over both ways and sitting up in a Bumbo, Addy is adding new words to her little vocabulary everyday. She can now say shoes, giraffe, apple, and banana on top of all her other words. I even caught her nursing her baby-doll the other day. So sweet. She'll start wee school (or Mother's Morning Out) in about 3 or 4 weeks. Crazy!

K and I have also started P90X. It's great having someone there all the time to help motivate you, though right now I think we laugh more than actually workout during the videos. I'm doing pretty poorly in the healthy eating department. Breastfeeding just makes me so so hungry, I want to eat  everything in the kitchen!

Speaking of breastfeeding, I made lactation cookies!! I don't have a supply issue but Samuel does get fussy at the breast sometimes so even though he's growing and thriving it felt like maybe he wasn't always getting full. I got the recipe here and can I just say these things WORK! And I mean overnight. I've not felt this full in a long time, and today I even leaked right through my shirt. And that's eating two a day; I think I may need to cut it down to one a day. I did use Old Fashioned Oats instead of Steel Cut but they still work just fine!

Here's how mine came out

And I'm so excited for this weekend!! Grandma & Poppy are coming to visit!!

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